Lower Don River

100-year flood simulation

The Tsimlyansk Dam is regulating the water flow of the Don River since 1952, when the construction of the reservoir was completed.  The creation of the reservoir resulted in the smoothing of the river runoff through the year.  Still in cases of severe unexpected floods the downstream territories (Lower Don River floodplain) can be submerged.

The simulation of the flood event with 1% probability (100-year flood) was conducted using FLO-2D model (http://www.flo-2d.com/).

The data for the most important input element, the probabilistic extreme flood hydrograph, was acquired from " Tsimlyansk Reservoir water resources regulations" [Правила использования водных ресурсов Цимлянского водохранилища].

The animation below represents the expansion of the inundation area for the 60 days period of the simulated flood event. The colors indicate water flow depth. Thin line marks the boundaries of the inundation area.

According to the simulation, total flooded area in case of 100-year flood event might be around  4488 km2.